Introduction |
Chemical pleurodesis is performed to prevent recurrence of pneumothorax or pleural effusion in benign or malignant conditions. Instilled substances cause inflammation of the parietal and the visceral layers of the pleura and leads to adhesion of the pleural surfaces, preventing further fluid or air accumulation.
Indications |
Contraindication |
Lung cannot fully expand to the chest wall (eg, trapped lung, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, endobronchial obstruction).
Pre-Procedure |
Pain Management Plan
Consults Prior to Procedure
Labs |
No specific labs needed. Consider pulmonary consult and lung function test in patients with advanced lung disease.
Technique |
Sclerosing Agents:
Doxycycline opacified with contrast is instilled via a pigtail catheter.
Second Injection
Complications |
Post-Procedure |
For effusion
For pneumothorax
References |